"Does this pole make me look fat?"
".......And I recommend drinking a lot of water while competing, to avoid dehydration. Not only for me, but for all of those guys with newspapers in their laps in the stands. HEAR ME, YOU PERVERTS? DON'T FORGET TO HYDRATE!"
"....And I find all this attention paid to my appearance unsettling. People stare at me at the tanning salon, the leg-waxing salon, the hair salon, the store where I have these little shorts custom-made; I just can't understand it."
"Attention! There will be a brief delay while we hose down the jump pit, and the jump judges."
Why We Fight Global Islamism, Reason #35215: This young lady having to pole-jump in a burkha.
This pole fell down while I was dancing around it - can I sue?
She is certainly a gorgeous hunk of girl. Any other comments will be issued through my attorney.,1,1636460.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage
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