Words just fail me.....

-(lady in blue bikini thinks):
'I hate a lot of things about this job, but these damned team-building 'trust exercises' are at the top of my list!'
-"Come on, Squeaky, come to the light! Come out, now! I have some nice new cedar shavings in your cage! Squeeeeeaky! Got a carrot here for you! Dammit, Liz, next time use your own damn gerbil!"
-"Hey, this is a real Rolex! What bar did you find this guy in again?"
-"What did I have for lunch? White Castles and onion rings, why?"
-"Well, I seem to have fallen for a variation of the old 'Can you help me find my lost contact lens' trick, haven't I?"
-"Geez, and I always thought Butch Wax was for wood floors!"
-"No, this is the wrong shade of touch-up paint. Don't move, I'll just run over to Pep Boys again..."
-"Oh, I see the problem; you're supposed to peel the damn eggs first!"
-"Look, I'm sorry, but.. Well, quit giggling, and you could hear me! I SAID IT WILL HAVE TO COME OUT! I CAN'T JUST CHANGE THE BATTERIES!"
-"Honest, Ed, you really can't see them. I'm afraid if I dab any more styptic pencil on them, they might never drop back out!"
-Jobs Americans Won't Do, Example #2343: Starfish Polisher.
-"Yes, you're right, it was going very well. Yes, it did sound just like Led Zeppelin's version. But may I suggest that the next time you fart Stairway To Heaven on American Idol , you borrow someone else's wireless mike? I'm beginning to feel that I really don't want it back now...."
-"Yes, now I can see it! A little teeenie road sign tattoo: 'No Entry'. Liz, I gotta hand it to you, you are the lesbian's lesbian."
-"No, I'm sorry, I really don't hear the seashore. I am thinking of Long John Silver's for lunch, though...."
"Yeth, the kegel exchersithes have reawwy paid ovv! Now pleath lea go ov my tongue!"
"Ha, ha, I get it, '#6: polish the back door', real funny. Look, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll just check out one of the other sororities on this campus......."
What about the lady in front??
"Can I help you???"
"Yep - once they invert my penis, the sex change is complete."
"Barbasol.... Barbasol! The brushless shaving cream supreme. Leaves your cheek so smooth and clean."
"I'll see you on the dark side of the moon..."
"I know it looks like Velcro, but it really isn't."
"Pierce the veil? What the hell does THAT mean??"
"Does this mean we're engaged?"
"That's nothing. I can do the same thing backwards, too."
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