I feel pretty, oh so pretty........

FAMOUS BRAND FIZZLEOUTS, EXAMPLE #34:Here is a picture of the mascot for the little-known precursor of Green Giant brand frozen food; 'The Jolly Green Jagoff'.
"Maude, he's back. Call up Chemlawn and cancel the damn fertilizer service. Then fetch me my shotgun."
Just your typical lawn gnome....on Fire Island.
"Fie on thee, oh nefarious Sheriff of Nottingham! Do thy worst, it will ne'er faze my band of merry men! And what, pray tell, is this 'cavity search' thou speakest of?"
Shortly after Eddie 'Flathead' Stokowitz spotted this guy, 'Peter Pan' became 'Peter Pantsed', and the outdoor Halloween party dissolved into mayhem.
Famous last words:"Hi, Mr. Butkis, I'm here to take your daughter to the prom!"
"Governor McGreevey, we appreciate your input, we truly do; but we had another idea for the cover picture of your new book. Although 'Prince of Passiac, Queen of Hoboken' could work as the title...."
"No, you didn't spell it right. It's BEAU and arrow..."
You can be sure...if it's Westinghouse.
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