Thursday, May 31, 2007


"Does this pole make me look fat?"

".......And I recommend drinking a lot of water while competing, to avoid dehydration. Not only for me, but for all of those guys with newspapers in their laps in the stands. HEAR ME, YOU PERVERTS? DON'T FORGET TO HYDRATE!"

"....And I find all this attention paid to my appearance unsettling. People stare at me at the tanning salon, the leg-waxing salon, the hair salon, the store where I have these little shorts custom-made; I just can't understand it."

"Attention! There will be a brief delay while we hose down the jump pit, and the jump judges."

Why We Fight Global Islamism, Reason #35215: This young lady having to pole-jump in a burkha.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hip work on the skins, daddy-o!

"Oh, man, yew neva heard th' drum solo from 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida??' Goes lahk this!!!"

"Look, Ah just lahk to give people Ah lahk nicknames; If youall don't want to be called 'Uncle Tom-Tom', Ah'll jest think up another."

"....And when I say, 'beat out that rhythm on the head of a drum', you come in with 'Boom! Boom! Boomlay Boom!' Let's see if we can make Maya Anjolou's head explode."

".......And when I yell out 'Day-o!', you sing 'Daylight come and I wanna go home.' Let's see if we can make Harry Belafonte's head explode!!

"Look, nice work, but I have to warn you; our last drummer exploded."

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sweet dreams, Pluto.........

Famous Rejected Superhero Sidekicks, #656: Ratboy.

Man, Michael Richards didn't learn a thing from the last jam he got into, now did he?

"Stay tuned for 'Disney Ninja', next on Lifetime!"

"Well, 'Cubby', if you had just saved a little of that Mousketeers money, you wouldn't be working here at Jiffy-Lube, now would you? Clean up that damn mess and get back to work!!!"

Colonel Kurtz knew when they came for him, it would be bad. Just not this bad.

Laugh it up, hackerboy, but burn a bootleg copy of Alladin , and this will be the last thing you ever see........

You think it's bad here in Mauswitz, pray god you never get sent to Donald Duchau!

Disney trivia; Robert Mapplethorpe did indeed direct an episode of the Mousketeers! Walt Disney personally burned the video tapes in his office fireplace!!

You know, it was only a matter of time before Quentin Tarantino decided to 'pay homage' to Walt Disney............

"Yeah, Minnie did this to me in my sleep. Didn't I tell you that woman is f*cking Goofy?"