Monday, July 09, 2007

Right Arm, Bro!

"Yesss! Another new sucker, er, franchisee for 'Enormously Juicy Hugo's Smoothie Stand and Revolutionary HQ'!"

"OK, it's a deal: you shave your head and be Curly, and I'll lose the beard, get a soup-bowl haircut, and be Moe. We get Kim Jong-Il on board as Larry, and we're on our way to stardom!"

Did the Earth move for you, too?

Hand Solo meets Jabba the Nut.

"Help yourself to anything back stage, Leo, but remember; the wheelbarrow full of Moon-Pies is mine. Mine!"

"Jeez, Al, thanks for reminding me; I've got to call my agent about my follow up to 'Titanic': the remake of 'Hindenburg'.

"Help yourself to the buffet back stage, Leo, but easy on the three-bean salad; your carbon-credit account is too small to offset the greenhouse gases emitted. Otherwise, enjoy!"