That's not funny! That's sick!

"And I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, too, toots!"
Bill Clinton: The Early Years.
"Timmy, don't you ever listen to any other records? Just 'wakachicka-wakachicka' all day long!"
Why the state of California shut down Caballero Video's employee day-care program.
The deep-seated feeling of revulsion young Hillary Rodham felt for this would have grave consequences later in life............
Timmy was stunned when the Principal shut down the 3rd grade talent show right in the middle of his act. What was he going to do with this bowl of peeled hard-boiled eggs???
Man, a lot happened after this years' talent show; Timmy was sent to military school, Susie's in therapy, and their teacher Mr. Frank left the Massachusetts school system and went into politics!
Mr. Hibbin suddenly realized hiding his porno tapes in Disney sleeves wasn't such a hot idea.........
"C'mon, keep practicing! Mom told her friend she got a mink coat this way! Don't you want a mink coat??"
Looks like the folks at 'Lil' Darlin's Kiddie Portrait Center' should have checked their new photographer's references a little more carefully!
"Aw, gee, Mom, playing Doctor was getting stale! Playas 'n Hos is a lot more fun! Now scram afore I bust a cap in yo ass!"
Timmy's mom was irritated at the bananas going to waste, but she really went berserk at all the Cool-Whip used for the money shot!